Do you ever have those days where you feel like life is too good to you? I seldom do. I can admit that I often catch myself being a little too pessimistic. I focus on how great things will be ONE DAY, once my hardworking, studious husband graduates, once we move to a warmer climate, once summer comes, once I get the hang of work, once my Dad retires, etc. Today, is a switch up. I CANNOT contain my excitement for MY LIFE as it is TODAY! Yes, today is one of the coldest days so far this winter. Despite that, I feel so blessed!
I have made quite a big purchase today (I know that money cannot buy happiness on a regular basis, but for me today, it did). I bought two plane tickets to a warmer climate. I will spend 3 days surrounded by goodness and love. I am going to spend a weekend in CALIFORNIA with my very best friend in the whole world (who is pregnant, and the prego pictures she sent me actually made me cry. I love her, I love her husband, and I love the baby. Oh, and they just made a blog. YAY!)
There she is. What a beauty. Please note the sarcastic smirk. That picture did not come easily. Also, she would like for me to mention that she has not done her hair in this picture. Even though I think she looks great as is. But I have come to know that my opinion is not always valued as much as I would like to think with her.
Reason number two that I have the most wonderful life as of today. Christian has surprised me with a new phone. I cannot wait for it to get here. I have been lusting after this phone for YEARS. Seriously. It was a totally vain, unnecessary purchase that I would not ever allow myself to make. In swoops Christian. I cant wait for it to get here.
#3 My nephew turns 1 in a month. ANOTHER excuse to go see him! I can't wait. He really is one of my very best friends. :)
I know, I am blessed with the life I have for so many other reasons. Christian, food, friends, good job, family, clothes, car, etc. The list goes on and on. But today, I am selfish, and am only counting the things that are momentary, not lasting. So sue me. Life is great.